Trade show giveaways

What is a trade show giveaway?

A trade show giveaway is a promotional item that is given to attendees at a trade show or similar event. These items are often small and inexpensive, such as pens or notepads, and are typically imprinted with the company's name or logo. The purpose of a trade show giveaway is to promote the company and its products or services to the attendees of the event. They are usually distributed at a company's booth or stand, and attendees can often pick up the items just by stopping by and speaking with a representative from the company.

Importance of trade show giveaways

Trade show giveaways are important for a few reasons:

  1. They help to promote the company and its products or services: Trade show giveaways are a way for a company to get its name and branding in front of a large number of people in a short period of time. By giving away items with a company's name or logo, the company can increase its visibility and generate interest in its products or services.

  2. They can help to create a positive impression: Trade show giveaways can help to create a positive impression of a company by demonstrating that the company is generous and willing to give something of value to attendees. This can help to build goodwill and make attendees more likely to remember the company and consider doing business with it in the future.

  3. They can help to generate leads: Trade show giveaways can help to generate leads for a company by encouraging attendees to provide their contact information in exchange for the giveaway. This can be an effective way for a company to collect contact information from potential customers and follow up with them after the event.

Overall, trade show giveaways are an important part of a company's marketing strategy, and can be a very effective way to promote the company and its products or services to a large number of people.

Best trade show giveaway items

When deciding on what product to give away at a trade show, it's important to consider the following:

  • The target audience: It's important to choose a product that will be useful and relevant to the attendees of the trade show. For example, if the trade show is for outdoor enthusiasts, a water bottle might be a good choice, while at a technology trade show, a power bank might be more appropriate.

  • The goals of the company: The product should align with the goals of the company and support its branding and marketing message. For example, if the company is promoting a new line of eco-friendly products, a reusable shopping bag might be a good choice.

  • The potential "eyeball reach" of the product: The product should have a high potential to be seen by a large number of people, both at the trade show and in the future as the product is used. Some products, like t-shirts and shopping bags, have the potential to be seen by a large number of people, both at the trade show and in the future as the product is used, while others, like pens and notepads, may have a more limited reach.

  • The budget: It's important to choose a product that fits within the company's budget. Some products, like t-shirts and water bottles, are more expensive than others, like pens and notepads.

  • Customization options: The product should offer options for customization with the company's branding, such as a logo or contact information.

  • Portability and ease of distribution: The product should be easy to transport and distribute at the trade show.

Here are a few of our favorite items to give away at a trade show based on the factors above:

Gift bags

Gift bags are a great trade show giveaway because they can hold a variety of smaller items, are customizable with a company's branding, create a sense of excitement for attendees, and are reusable. Instead of handing out each promotional item individually, a company can distribute multiple items in a convenient gift bag. Gift bags can be customized with a company's name, logo, and other information, making them an effective way to promote the company and its products or services. Receiving a gift bag can create a sense of excitement and anticipation for attendees, as they may not know exactly what is inside, which can be a fun and memorable way for a company to engage with attendees and generate interest in its products or services. Additionally, gift bags are reusable, making them an eco-friendly choice.


T-shirts can be a great giveaway at a trade show because they are high-quality and long-lasting, can be worn by attendees, are customizable with a company's branding, and can create a sense of community. While they are more expensive than items like pens or notepads, t-shirts are a higher quality giveaway that can make a lasting impression on attendees. They also have the potential to be seen by a larger number of people when worn, and can be customized with a company's name, logo, and other information to effectively promote the company and its products or services. Additionally, giving away t-shirts with a company's branding can make attendees feel like they are part of a community or movement, which can generate loyalty and engagement. However, it's important to keep in mind that t-shirts are more expensive than some other types of giveaways, so they may not be the best choice for every company.

Customized pens

Custom pens are a great giveaway at trade shows and other events because they are practical, inexpensive, customizable, and small and portable. Most people use pens on a daily basis, so they are likely to appreciate and use a custom pen with a company's branding on it. Custom pens can be customized with a company's name, logo, and contact information, making them an effective way to promote the company and its products or services. They are also relatively inexpensive, making it easy for companies to give away a lot of items without breaking the budget. Plus, custom pens are small and lightweight, making them easy to transport and distribute at events.


While both pens and notepads are practical and inexpensive trade show giveaways that can be customized with a company's branding and are small and portable, there are some differences between the two. Pens are used for writing, while notepads are used for taking notes and making lists, so notepads may be more useful to some attendees depending on their needs and preferences. In terms of customization options, notepads may offer more options than pens, such as different paper colors or sizes, or perforated pages. Finally, notepads may be slightly more expensive than pens, depending on the size and customization options chosen. It's important to consider the target audience and the goals of the company when deciding which item to give away.

Water bottles

Water bottles are a good trade show giveaway because they are practical, customizable, and eco-friendly. Most people need to stay hydrated throughout the day, making a water bottle a useful and likely-to-be-retained item for attendees. Water bottles can also be customized with a company's branding, making them an effective way to promote the company and its products or services. In addition, water bottles are an eco-friendly choice as they can be reused and help to reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles. Water bottles are also portable and easy to transport, making them convenient to distribute at a trade show or other event.

Reusable shopping bags

Shopping bags are a unique and practical trade show giveaway that can help to promote a company while also being environmentally friendly. Most people use shopping bags on a regular basis to carry their purchases, so a custom shopping bag with a company's branding is likely to be retained and used by attendees. This means that the company's branding has the potential to be seen by a large number of people, both at the trade show and in the future as the bag is reused. Shopping bags are also an eco-friendly choice, as they can be reused and help to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags. Additionally, shopping bags can be customized with a company's name, logo, and other information, making them an effective way to promote the company and its products or services.

How much should you order?

The number of items you should order for a trade show will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the trade show, the target audience, the goals of the company, and the budget. Here are a few general guidelines to consider:

  1. Order enough items to last the duration of the trade show: You should order enough items to last the entire trade show, as you don't want to run out before the event is over. Consider the size of the trade show and the number of attendees when determining how many items to order.

  2. Order extra items: It's a good idea to order a few extra items in case there are more attendees than expected or in case some items get damaged or lost.

  3. Don't overdo it: While it's important to order enough items, you don't want to order so many that you end up with a lot of leftover items that you can't use. This can be a waste of money and resources. One thing to consider is if you are able to give away the extra items at a future trade show. This would depend on the condition of the items and whether the company's branding is still relevant. It may be more cost-effective to purchase new items for a future trade show rather than trying to reuse old ones.

In conclusion, choosing the right trade show giveaway can be an effective way for a company to promote its products or services and generate interest from attendees. It's important to consider the target audience, goals of the company, budget, customization options, and potential "eyeball reach" when selecting a product. A variety of items, including t-shirts, notepads, pens, water bottles, power banks, and shopping bags, can be effective trade show giveaways depending on the company's needs and goals. It's also important to consider the long-term cost-effectiveness of the giveaway, as purchasing new items for future trade shows may be more cost-effective than trying to reuse old ones. By carefully considering these factors, a company can choose a trade show giveaway that effectively promotes its brand and generates interest from attendees.

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