Published Apr 19, 2024 ⦁ 17 min read
Custom Made Mens Shirts Online: Sustainability Focus

Custom Made Mens Shirts Online: Sustainability Focus

Looking for custom made men's shirts online with a focus on sustainability? We've got you covered. This guide dives into the top companies like Printify, Teemill, The Good Tee, Known Supply, and Recover Brands, highlighting how they're making a positive impact on the planet and treating their workers fairly. Here's a quick breakdown:

  • Material Sourcing: All companies use eco-friendly materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester.
  • Production Processes: They focus on using less water, clean energy, and safe dyes.
  • Ethical Labor Practices: Fair pay, safe working conditions, and no child labor are key.
  • End-of-Life Initiatives: Programs for recycling old shirts and using biodegradable packaging are in place.

Choosing sustainable custom shirts means supporting environmental care and ethical labor practices. Let's dive deeper into what each brand offers.

Quick Comparison

Brand Material Sourcing Production Processes Ethical Labor Practices End-of-Life Initiatives
Printify Organic cotton, recycled polyester Green energy, water-based inks Fair pay, safe conditions Recycling program, biodegradable packaging
Teemill Organic cotton, recycled fabrics Renewable energy, water conservation Regular factory checks, no child labor Return & recycle, compostable packaging
The Good Tee Transparent organic cotton sourcing Natural dyes, eco-friendly methods Fair trade, good working conditions Not clear, focuses on sustainable materials
Known Supply Organic cotton, recycled materials Clean energy, water recycling Factory audits, no forced labor Reuse program, eco-friendly packaging
Recover Brands Recycled cotton and polyester Energy efficiency, minimal water use Fair labor practices, safe workplaces Old shirts recycling, biodegradable packaging

By focusing on these aspects, we can make informed decisions that support the planet and promote fair labor practices while enjoying unique and custom-made shirts.

Material Sourcing

  • They use materials like organic cotton or recycled stuff that's better for the planet.
  • They make sure to get these materials in a way that's fair and doesn't hurt the environment.
  • They keep an eye on where their materials come from to make sure everything's on the up and up.

Production Processes

  • They use green energy and smart machines to cut down on pollution.
  • They try to use less water and make sure not to waste it in making shirts.
  • They pick safe dyes and prints that don't harm the earth.

Ethical Labor Practices

  • They pay their workers well, ensure they're not overworked, and treat them right.
  • They say no to child labor, forced work, and any kind of unfair treatment.
  • They regularly check the factories and work with ones that treat their workers fairly.

End-of-Life Initiatives

  • They have programs to take back old shirts and recycle them.
  • They use packaging that can break down naturally and won't pollute the earth.
  • They try to make up for the pollution they cause by doing things like planting trees.

Looking at these areas helps us find the brands that are really making a difference in making fashion more sustainable. When we choose to buy custom men's shirts from these brands, we're not just getting something unique; we're also helping the planet and supporting fair work practices.

Sustainability in Custom Made Mens Shirts

1. Printify

Material Sourcing

Printify picks materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester for their custom men's shirts. They make sure these materials are good for the planet by working with suppliers that follow strict rules.

Production Processes

Printify uses green energy and modern tech to make shirts with less water and power. They choose water-based inks and team up with places that clean and reuse water.

Ethical Labor Practices

Printify makes sure the people making shirts are treated right. They check the factories often to ensure workers get fair pay, work reasonable hours, and have safe conditions. They don't allow child labor or unfair treatment.

End-of-Life Initiatives

Printify helps recycle old shirts and uses packaging that can break down naturally. They also help plant trees to make up for their impact on the environment.

2. Teemill

Material Sourcing

Teemill uses materials like organic cotton and recycled fabrics for their custom men's shirts. They make sure to get these from places that care about the planet just as much as they do.

Production Processes

Teemill runs on clean energy and uses machines that help keep the earth healthy. They go for water-based inks and work with people who try to save water.

Ethical Labor Practices

Teemill checks up on the places making their shirts to make sure everyone is treated fairly. They're all about good pay, safe jobs, and no bad stuff like child labor.

End-of-Life Initiatives

Teemill takes back old shirts to recycle and sends new ones in packages that can break down and go back to the earth. They also plant trees to help clean up the air.

3. The Good Tee

3. The Good Tee

Material Sourcing

The Good Tee gets its organic cotton from places that pay fair wages and treat workers well, making sure everyone involved is doing the right thing for the planet. They're really open about where their stuff comes from.

Production Processes

They stick to using natural dyes and methods that don't harm the environment as part of their promise to be fair and eco-friendly. This means they're careful about how they make their shirts.

Ethical Labor Practices

Because The Good Tee follows fair trade rules, they make sure workers get paid well, work in safe conditions, and aren't overworked. They keep a close eye on this to make sure it's always the case.

End-of-Life Initiatives

It's not clear how The Good Tee handles old shirts at the end of their life. Being a smaller company focused on making clothes the right way, they might not have big recycling programs but try to use materials that are better for the planet whenever they can.

4. Known Supply

4. Known Supply

Material Sourcing

Known Supply gets its organic cotton and recycled stuff from places that really care about doing things right. They make sure these places pay their workers well and keep them safe.

Production Processes

Known Supply uses clean energy and smart machines to make less pollution. They also try really hard to use less water and to clean and reuse it when they can.

Ethical Labor Practices

Known Supply checks the factories a lot to make sure workers are paid fairly, work reasonable hours, and are safe. They say no to using kids or forcing people to work.

End-of-Life Initiatives

Known Supply finds ways to reuse old shirts and uses packaging that can break down and not harm the earth. They also do things to balance out their pollution, like supporting projects that are good for the environment.

5. Recover Brands

5. Recover Brands

Material Sourcing

Recover Brands picks up used materials like recycled cotton and polyester to make their custom men's shirts online. They make sure to work with suppliers who care about doing things right and fair.

Production Processes

Recover Brands uses clean energy and smart machines to make shirts without hurting the environment too much. They also try to use less water and recycle it when they can.

Ethical Labor Practices

Recover Brands checks on their partners often to make sure workers get fair pay, work in safe places, and aren't overworked. They're against child labor and forcing people to work.

End-of-Life Initiatives

Recover Brands has a plan to take back old shirts so they don't end up in the trash. They use packaging that breaks down easily to reduce waste. The company also plants trees to help make up for the pollution they cause.

Material Sourcing

When it comes to picking materials in a way that's good for the earth, the top companies making custom men's shirts online are really doing their best.

Brand Sourcing Practices
Printify Gets organic cotton and recycled polyester from suppliers who are serious about protecting the environment.
Teemill Uses organic cotton and recycled fabrics from suppliers who care about being fair and green.
The Good Tee Buys organic cotton from farmers who pay their workers well and are open about where their cotton comes from.
Known Supply Gets organic cotton and recycled stuff from suppliers who treat their workers right and pay them well.
Recover Brands Turns used cotton and polyester into recycled fabrics. They make sure to work with suppliers who are fair.

All these brands use either organic cotton, which doesn't use nasty chemicals to grow, or recycled materials that make old clothes useful again. They also make sure to work with suppliers who think being eco-friendly and treating workers fairly is important.

By choosing their materials carefully, these brands help make sure no bad practices are used in getting their cotton certified as organic or in treating workers right. The Good Tee is especially good at telling people exactly where their materials come from.

In the end, all these brands are working hard to use materials that are better for the planet and the people making them. This careful choice of materials is the first step in making shirts that don't hurt the earth.

Production Processes

When brands make custom men's shirts in a way that's good for the earth, they focus on using clean energy, saving water, and making less trash. They're avoiding harmful chemicals and finding new ways to protect our planet.

Here's a simple breakdown of how some brands are making their shirts with the environment in mind:

Clean Energy

  • They use energy from the sun and wind, not dirty fuels.
  • They spend money on machines that use less power.
  • They make up for the pollution they create by doing things that are good for the air.

Water Conservation

  • They use machines that clean and reuse water.
  • They work with places that clean their water so it can be used again.
  • They try to use less water in the first place.

Safe Materials

  • They choose inks and dyes that are water-based and don't have harmful chemicals.
  • They stay away from bad stuff like toxic bleach.

Waste Reduction

  • They look for ways to make less waste from extra materials.
  • They recycle things like fabric pieces and plastic.
  • They use materials that can break down naturally instead of using plastic when they can.

Here's how the top eco-friendly custom shirt brands are doing in making their shirts:

Brand Production Practices
Printify Uses energy from the sun and wind, efficient machines, and makes up for pollution. Works with places that reuse water.
Teemill Uses clean energy. Tries to use less water and works with eco-friendly places.
The Good Tee Uses natural dyes and eco-friendly ways to make shirts.
Known Supply Uses clean energy and tech to reduce harm to the earth. Tries to recycle water.
Recover Brands Makes new shirts from used materials with clean energy and tech. Tries to cut down on water use and waste.

All these brands are trying to make shirts in a way that uses less resources and creates less pollution. Some are doing more than others, but they're all helping to make the process of making custom shirts better for the environment.


Ethical Labor Practices

When it comes to treating workers right, the best brands making sustainable custom shirts are setting a good example. They watch the factories closely and say no to treating workers badly.

Here's a simple look at what some brands do to make sure their shirts are made the right way:

Ensuring Fair Pay and Hours

  • They make sure workers get paid enough to live on.
  • They check to make sure everyone gets paid fairly.
  • They don't let workers be forced into too many hours.

Providing Good Working Conditions

  • They give workers what they need to be safe at work.
  • They check for things like clean bathrooms, fresh air, ways to get out in an emergency, and first aid.
  • They work with factories that listen to the workers.

Eliminating Unfair Labor Practices

  • They don't allow child labor at all.
  • They're against forcing people to work.
  • They watch out for unfair treatment or bullying.
Brand Key Labor Practices
Printify Makes sure partners pay well, limit hours, and keep places safe. No child labor.
Teemill Visits factories to check on fair pay, safety, and hours. No child labor or unfair treatment.
The Good Tee Being a fair trade brand, it guarantees good pay and conditions. Cares a lot about worker happiness.
Known Supply Checks factories for fair pay, safety, and clean places. No child labor or forced work.
Recover Brands Looks into partners for fair pay, safety, and good conditions. No child labor or unfair treatment.

All these brands stand against child labor and unfair treatment while pushing for good pay, reasonable hours, and safe places to work. Most of them check on factories regularly, with The Good Tee focusing a lot on making sure workers are happy and treated well. By choosing to work with ethical factories and speaking out against bad treatment, these brands are helping to make things better for people who make clothes all over the world.

End-of-Life Initiatives

When brands think about what happens to shirts after we're done wearing them, the most eco-friendly ones have some smart ideas.

Some brands have programs to take back old shirts and turn them into something new. Others use packaging that can easily break down and return to the earth. Many also plant trees to balance out the pollution they create.

Here's a quick look at what some brands are doing:

Brand End-of-Life Practices
Printify Turns old shirts into new stuff. Uses earth-friendly packaging. Plants trees.
Teemill You can send back worn-out shirts for recycling. Uses packaging that breaks down. Plants trees.
The Good Tee Starts with sustainable materials. How they handle old shirts isn't clear.
Known Supply Tries to reuse returned shirts. Uses packaging that's good for the earth. Supports green projects.
Recover Brands Aims to recycle old shirts. Uses packaging that breaks down. Plants trees.

Recycling Programs

Brands like Printify and Teemill let you send back old shirts so they can be turned into new ones. This way, the shirts don't end up in the trash, saving resources.

Other brands like Known Supply look for ways to reuse shirts, keeping them out of landfills.

And Recover Brands starts with recycled materials to make their new shirts!

Biodegradable Packaging

Many custom shirt companies are choosing packaging that can break down naturally, instead of using plastic.

Teemill, Printify, Known Supply, and Recover Brands all say they use stuff like cornstarch for packaging, which doesn't harm the earth.

Reforestation Efforts

Printify, Teemill, and Recover Brands also plant trees to help clean the air and fight climate change.

Trees take in carbon dioxide, which helps lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. More trees mean cleaner air and a healthier planet.


  • Eco-friendly brands are recycling shirts, using natural packaging, and planting trees to lessen waste.
  • Smaller brands might focus more on being green from the start instead of having big recycling programs.
  • We can help by choosing brands that care about the environment and recycling our old clothes.

By looking at the whole life of shirts, from making them to what happens when they're no longer worn, these brands are trying to lessen their impact on the earth. The more people support them, the bigger the positive impact.

Pros and Cons

When we look at different companies that make eco-friendly custom men's shirts online, each one has its own way of doing things that's good for the planet and its people. But it's also important to see what's not so great about each. This can help us choose better.

Here's a quick look at the good and not-so-good points of some of these companies:

Brand Pros Cons
Printify - Uses planet-friendly materials
- Turns old shirts into new ones
- Plants trees to make up for pollution
- Checks on how ethical suppliers are
- Not much detail on how they help the planet
Teemill - Good for the planet from start to finish
- Recycles old shirts
- Plants trees
- Being a small company means it can't do as much for the planet
The Good Tee - Very open about how they work
- Makes sure workers are happy and paid well
- Uses natural stuff for coloring
- No program for recycling shirts
- Costs more
Known Supply - Uses materials that are good for the earth
- Finds new uses for old shirts
- Helps with environmental projects
- Could share more about their ethical work
Recover Brands - Made from recycled stuff
- Plans to recycle used shirts
- Packaging is earth-friendly
- Checks on how ethical their work is
- Some of their green claims are hard to check

Key Pros

  • Using materials like organic cotton and recycled stuff helps the planet.
  • Recycling and reusing old shirts stops waste.
  • Planting trees helps fix pollution problems.
  • Being clear and fair with workers makes sure they're treated right.

Key Cons

  • Just checking on suppliers might not give the full picture.
  • Smaller companies can't do as much big stuff for the planet.
  • Not all companies share enough about how they help the environment.
  • Making things in a really green and fair way can make products cost more.


  • The best companies try to do well by people, the planet, and keep prices fair. But there's always room to do better.
  • Picking the right company depends on what you care about most in being eco-friendly.
  • Buying from sustainable companies, even if they're not perfect, shows companies we care about doing good.

In the end, every company making custom men's shirts online is trying to do things better for the earth and its people in its own way. It shows that fashion can be more ethical and kind to the planet if we really want it to be.


When we pick custom made men's shirts that care about the planet, we're making a big difference. It's not just about looking good. It's about making sure the shirts are made in a way that's fair for everyone involved and doesn't harm the earth.

Companies like Printify, Teemill, The Good Tee, Known Supply, and Recover Brands are leading the way. They use materials that are better for the environment, like organic cotton and stuff that's been recycled. They also make sure to use less water and clean energy when making shirts. Plus, they treat their workers well and have plans to recycle shirts when they're too old to wear.

These companies aren't perfect, but they're trying to do the right thing. When we buy shirts from them, we're showing that we care about these issues.

So, next time you're shopping for a custom shirt online, think about where it comes from and who made it. Choosing companies that are kind to the planet and their workers can help make the fashion world a better place, little by little.

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